Raise the Banner: The King's Ranger Book 5 is out now!

Ooops. Came here to share the news of my latest release and saw that it’s been a little bit since I’ve checked in. Sorry about that! I’ve been off social media as well, and people have been asking.

The good news, all is good, and I still live. I haven’t been enthused about how social media has changed over the last few years, though, and I don’t find it a very pleasant place to be anymore. If anything, the future sounds worse. Has no one at Facebook—sorry, Meta—read Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash? If they did, they got a different message from it than I did. Anyway, I’ve been quiet online because some of the platforms have gotten gross. It has nothing to do with my personal life or writing life. Those are chugging along smoothly.

Speaking of which… I’m hard at work on finishing The King’s Ranger, and on schedule to have the sixth and final book for you on March 31st, ‘22. Around that same time, I’m hoping to launch a Kickstarter for the next project, with a release date in August. Both of these projects are turning out well, so get excited!

But first, Raise the Banner: The King’s Ranger Book 5 is out now in eBook and Print! And for you audio fans, Simon Vance did the recording a few weeks back, but with the holidays we’re still dancing around getting the sound engineering and quality checks done. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait long!

I won’t keep you ;) Go grab your copy and get reading!


P.S. If you ever want to check in, the Contact tab sends an e-mail direct to me. Always feel free to reach out, and I’ll be back to you shortly!