Schedule Update and TKR in Amazon Prime Reading

Just a quick schedule update today, but first, The King’s Ranger Book 1 is part of Amazon’s Prime Reading promotion for the next three months (US only, sorry, I don’t get to choose). That means it’s free to anyone in the US who has Amazon Prime. I’m guessing if you frequent this site, you’ve already read it, but it’s a great opportunity to tell a friend!

Believe me, when it’s free, it’s worth every penny!


Moving on, The Ranger’s Sorrow: The King’s Ranger Book 4 is on track for a July 29th release. I’m trying a different marketing strategy, so I’m going to wait a few weeks to put up the pre-order, but keep an eye out around July 11-12th for those who like to be first in line!

I’ve started the first draft of TBD: The King’s Ranger Book 5, it’s already about 25k words, and I have a December release planned. And because everyone keeps asking; there will be six books in the series, and the final one should drop April ‘22. The number of books is written in stone, the release dates are written in pencil, but I fully expect them to hold up.

And for those of you who made it to the end of this post, a treat:
